# Glossary

Validator is a Decimal user involved in consensus building.

Delegator is a Decimal user who trusts his coins to a validator and receives a proportional reward.

Coiner is a Decimal user who issues his own custom coin.

Broadcast is a Decimal service that allows you to create a transaction offline and then send it to the blockchain network.

Coin is an electronic unit of value, protected cryptographically and existing in blockchain.

Minting is the way and process of generating/issuing new coins in exchange for organizing and maintaining the Decimal network, namely the establishment of consensus by voting.

Mining is the way and process of generating/issuing new coins through calculating of computational tasks.

PoS (Proof-of-Stake) - literally "proof of share", an algorithm of establishing consensus among the members of the network, based on the insurance deposit of the member, which they risk.

pBFT - a consensus algorithm based on the process of voting for a block of candidates.

Masternode - a node of the Decimal network storing a replica of the blockchain and participating in consensus building.

Finalization - the process of final approval of the transaction. In the Decimal network, a transaction cannot be canceled immediately after a block has been recorded to a chain.

Confirmat - the process of approving the transaction and writing it to a blockchain.

Native token/coin - basic and key coin of a blockchain.

Transaction - informative message about sending funds via a blockchain network.

Blockchain - a decentralized database in which all records (blocks) are connected with each other by means of cryptography.

Custodial wallet - a way to store funds, in which the private keys of cryptographic addresses are owned by the service provider.

Non-custodial wallet - a way of storing funds, when the private keys of cryptographic addresses are owned exclusively by the owner of these funds.

Consensus is the act of approval of consent between the participants in a non-confidential environment.