# Decimal Status

Decimal Status is one of the basic services of the Decimal blockchain. This service provides basic information about the status of blockchain.

Service located at https://status.decimalchain.com/

You can also find it out from Console using the corresponding link in the Additional menu.

Decimal Status consists of several information blocks:

  • Mainnet and Testnet tabs, displaying, respectively the information of the main and testing Decimal blockchains
  • Status - blockchain status
  • Uptime - network uptime
  • Total Emission - the number of DEL issued
  • COINS - information on coins of the Decimal network
    • Free Float - the number of coins in free circulation in terms of DEL
    • Total Delegated - the number of coins delegated in terms of DEL
    • Custon Coins Created - the number of created custom coins
    • Custom Cins Cap - total capitalization of custom coins in terms of DEL
  • BLOCKS - information on blocks
    • Number of Blocks - the number of blocks created (blockchain height)
    • Speed ​​of Blocks (24h) - average time to create one block in the last 24 hours
  • TRANSACTIONS - transaction information
    • 24h Transactions - the number of transactions in the last 24 hours
    • Tx per Second (24h) - average number of transactions per second over the past 24 hours
  • VALIDATORS - general information about validators
    • Active Validators - total number of active validators
    • Active Candidates - total number of active Validator candidates
  • COMISSION - general information on commission in the Decimal network
    • Average per Transaction (24h) - average commission per transaction for the last 24 hours
    • 24h Comission - the total amount of commissions in the Decimal network over the past 24 hours
  • At the bottom there is an Additional panel with links to general information resources on the Decimal blockchain